
IT Services


Elementos offers customized programming services, allowing you to create a software solution that addresses your unique business requirements. The Elementos team of Full Stack developers is US-based and adept with various software programming competencies and language options. Whether you need a complete software development team or staff augmentation, Elementos can help.

Computer system analysis

Elementos has extensive experience modernizing or integrating legacy systems to improve efficiency and accessibility while maintaining functional value. Elementos assist with large-scale migrations, such as re-hosting, re-engineering, and consolidation to commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products. Modernizing and modifying existing systems can be a cost-effective way to boost productivity and operational performance. Elementos experts’ analysis is supplemented by support design, installation (including database conversion and integration), training, and ongoing support for many platforms and programming languages.

Computer Network Architecture

Elementos designs the overall infrastructure layout, connectivity, communication protocols, and transmission modes. Our team can create a streamlined, cost-effective, and scalable network to keep your business running without interruption. If your existing network struggles to meet the demands of your fast-paced business, Elementos can evaluate the current design and implement changes to bring it up to maximum efficiency.

Informationsecurity analysis

Elementos conduct a comprehensive assessment of your organization’s cyber security posture. The service includes a review of your company’s security policies and standard operating procedures for incident management, business continuity, and disaster recovery. The process assists your organization in developing and fine-tuning its information security strategy, resulting in a high return on investment through improved security measures and secure information infrastructure.

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